Monday, July 12, 2010

Morning music

Today on my way in to work I was not a happy puppy, it being Monday morning, and so I binge-listened to Schubert's "Das Lied im Grunen." It means "the song in the greenery," more or less.

I listened to the Elisabeth Schwarzkopf version.

But you can also listen to the Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau version.

Or the Karl Erb version! Wow, this Erbal version takes it fast, I have to say that. This Karl Erb sounds like an interesting character. He was all self-taught and his voice struck many as strange. This record dates to 1927. It sounds newer. Oh, wait, that is because I misread it. It is 1937 when he made this record.

Ha, ha! I am listening to this thing and Karl Erb keeps screwing up. He screws up one verse completely and just cheerfully fudges it. But still, charming. Listen to the ending. This guy is a riot.

Karl Erb's birthday was either July 11 or 13. Which is now! It is good that we are listening to this. It is ordained.

Here is a picture of Karl Erb who sang "Das Lied im Grunen" fast and sketchily but well.

I have listened to "Das Lied im Grunen" thousands of times since I was a kid and I know it inside out but it worked its magic this morning. By the time I reached the office my brain had been reorganized and I could think.

Sure, there was other stuff I should have been listening to but that would just have to wait!

Pick a number, Penderecki.

You have to be careful what you listen to in the morning is what I am learning.

I do not want cymbals. When you turn on the radio in the morning they love to blast you with cymbals.

Or high, screechy violins.

Or show-offy piano. Or anything I do not like.

In the morning you have to be good to yourself.

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