Sunday, March 15, 2009

The unanswered question

Just now I was roaming the Internet trying to find a factoid I needed about Isabelle Vengerova, who was one of Leonard Pennario's teachers.

You would not believe what I found instead!

The Leonard Pennario Quiz!

I am taking it right now. The first question, would you believe it, I did not know. I think I may have gotten it wrong! The thing keeps giving me question after question. Here I am Pennario's authorized biographer. He gave me his records and he signed these papers practically marrying me and I wake up every day and put on his bathrobe and I light a candle for him at church every week and now along comes this Leonard Pennario Quiz and I COULD NOT ANSWER THE FIRST QUESTION!

It was about this celebrity bridge game Pennario was in.

At least it was not about his piano career!

I am not making this up. Take the Leonard Pennario Quiz here. They scramble the questions every time so you might not have the first question I did.

One of the questions relates to Pennario's childhood in Buffalo.

Another relates to the teacher who got me into this mess, Isabelle Vengerova.

And yet another question relates to the picture at the top of this post. I like that picture, which shows Pennario at the piano with Jascha Heifetz and Gregor Piatigorsky. I like how Pennario looks as if he wishes they would just go away.

I know he didn't feel like that but he looked it. He looks that way here too.

Ha, ha! OK, I have work to do. I have already sacrificed going to the St. Patrick's Day Parade so I can work on my book so can't sit around all day wasting time with this stuff. G'wan with your bad self, take the Leonard Pennario Quiz. Here is the link again in case you don't feel like going back to the first one.

Good luck!

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