Mary Kunz Goldman was for over 10 years the classical music critic for The Buffalo News, the daily paper of Buffalo, N.Y. She is also the authorized biographer of the great American pianist Leonard Pennario.
It is a kind of cool picture. And the music is, too. The Monks of Norcia sing track after track of Gregorian chant. It puts you into a kind of coma. I mean that in the best sense. More like trance. It puts you into a trance. Not the best thing for a Wednesday afternoon in the office but beautiful all the same.
I love when a previously obscure monastery comes out of nowhere and releases a CD.
Here are the very cool Monks of Norcia explaining what they do.
Those are some tremendous beards, folks.
And some tremendous chant.
And as if things were not perfect enough, they also make beer. Fifteen thousand bottles a month!
"Many people might not go to Mass, but by buying beer, they have a connection with us, which is safe for them, in a setting, over a product they feel comfortable with us, so there's a spiritual gain for them, even though they're not looking for it."
"I said, we make beer, immediately the person was interested and wanted to talk, and before we knew it we were talking about Christ and truth..."
"As many people have negative experiences with the Church, if they can have a very simple but positive exchange with a monk over something like beer, it does wonders to open them up. It's not like automatically they're becoming monks and nuns and priests, but it starts them on a path which we hope will lead them back to the Church..."
I Wanna Be a Soprano!
Metropolitan Opera Valkyries. Could this be me?
Advent is flying and one of the reasons for that is that I am singing in
the St. Louis Choir. And the S...